SCH Number 2005062017
Project Info
- Title
- Coyote Valley Specific Plan
- Description
- The Coyote Valley Specific Plan (CVSP) proposes the urban development of a minimum of 25,000 residential units and 50,000 new jobs on approx. 3,400 acres in northern and mid Coyote Valley, located on an existing rural area south of the Santa Teresa neigborhood and Tulare Hill. The project includes a proposed strategy to implement the South Coyote Greenbelt on an area of approx. 3,500 acres that is intended to be a permanent non-urban buffer between San Jose and Morgan Hill. The CVSP would create a new pedestrian and transit oriented community in southern San Jose, with a projected population of approx. 70,000 to 80,000 people (based on Census 2000 houselold data). The CVSP includes urban land uses such as workplace, residential, retail, and mixed use development, as well as structured/shared parking, and new roadways. The new roadways include a multifunctional Parkway and an extension of Bailey Ave. to the southwest towards Almaden Valley. The Plan includes and internal Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system with a connection to a multi-modal Caltrain station on the west side of the existing Caltrain line. Additionally the plan includes schools, a library, a community center, parks, trails, playfields, and services and utilities necessary to support a community this size. The CVSP includes a lake and urban canal, and proposes to relocate and restore Fisher Creek to a historic alignment. Build-out of the proposed project is anticipated to occur over a 25-50 year timeframe.
2 documents in project