SCH Number 2005042072

Project Info

Monte Cresta Roadway Extension Project
The applicant is proposing an approximately 104-foot-long, two-lane extension of Monte Cresta Drive from its existing terminus approximately 1,000 feet northwest of Barclay Way, below (west of) All View Way in the San Juan Hills area of the City of Belmont. The site is currently an unimproved roadway/pathway primarily used by local residents as an open-space recreational trail. The roadway extension has been designed to comply with the design standard of the City's Hillside Road Standards - San Juan Hills, as specified in Section 7-13 of the City Municipal Code, Items (e) 4 through 9, as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act. The roadway would be a total of 38 feet in width, including two 10-foot wide travel lanes, two 5.5 foot-wide parking lanes, two 2-foot-wide curb and gutters, and one four-foot-wide sidewalk. A two-foot-wide planter strip would be included on the east side of the new roadway.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Belmont Monte Cresta Roadway Extension Project
City of Belmont Monte Cresta Roadway Extension Project