SCH Number 2005041100

Project Info

Soledad Village
As a result of comments received at public hearings conducted by the Planning Commission and the City Council the project description was revised. In summary, the proposed project has reduced the number of residential units, added additional product types, and created more open space (landscaped areas). The project as approved now includes the development of the 30-acre property with 407 residential units, an 8,000 square foot retail commercial center, associated private recreational areas and on-site public and private trails and circulation improvements.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Clarita Master Case No. 04-444 (General Plan Amendment 04-006, Zone Change No. 04-004, Tentative Tract Map No. 62322 and Conditional Use Permit 05-021)
City of Santa Clarita Soledad Village
City of Santa Clarita Soledad Townhomes
City of Santa Clarita Soledad Townhomes