SCH Number 2005031091

Project Info

Hillcrest Park Reservoir Reconstruction
The City of Fullerton is proposing to replace the existing, deteriorated Hillcrest Reservoir and associated piping. The project includes removing the existing reservoir, which was a 5 million gallon capacity and an oval-shaped footprint, and constructing a new circular shaped reservoir having the same capacity. The proposed reservoir will be constructed at the same location as the existing tank, at a similar elevation. The new reservoir tank will buried beneath the surface of the ground, and the area above it will be made accessible for public use. The project also includes construction of an 18" inlet-outlet pipeline and 18" drain line from the reservoir, through the park, south to Valley View Drive. Piping will also be installed within the Valley View right of way from Harbor Blvd. to Lemon Street. This will result in temporary road closures during construction.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fullerton Hillcrest Park Reservoir Reconstruction
City of Fullerton Hillcrest Park Reservoir Reconstruction