SCH Number 2005022032
Project Info
- Title
- Dun CDP / CUP / SP
- Description
- The "follow-up" CDP/CUP/SP to an emergency permit issued on 8/23/04. The emergency Coastal Development Permit was for the stabilization of a landslide that occurred during the winter of '03/'04 near an existing residence. The Conditional Use Permit was required to address the +/- 600 cy of fill that was being created by the proposed excavation of materials for the retaining wall. These fill materials will be deposited elsewhere on the parcel. The Special Permit was required for the removal of 10 redwood trees ranging in size between 8 and 14" dbh. Engineered plans for the proposed grading and retaining wall have been provided by SHN Engineering. Per §312-15, HCC, an emergency permit may be issued to allow work to be completed "more quickly than permitted by strict adherence to procedural requirements." All work was completed and inspected by the appropriate engineers. The parcel is currently developed with a single-family residence served by community water and an on-site sewage disposal system.
2 documents in project