SCH Number 2005012087

Project Info

Skyland Erosion Control Project (PEAQ 2004 086)
The proposed project is a portion of Environmental Improvement Project #218.1. The project entails: - Addressing eroding cut banks through a combination of mechanical stabilization and revegetation - Installation of facilities to capture road sand - Spreading of concentrated road run-off across public lands rather than conveyance directly to Lake Tahoe without treatment
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Placer County Tahoe Pines Phase 1 Erosion Control Plan
Placer County Tahoe Pines Phase 1 Erosion Control Plan
Placer County Tahoe Pines Phase 1 Erosion Control Plan
Placer County Skyland Erosion Control Project (PEAQ 2004 086)