SCH Number 2004122005

Project Info

Beebe Family Ranch LLC Tire Removal / Project
The project involves the removal of approximately 400,000 tires that are currently emplaced within an intermittent drainage channel located on the project site property. The removal of the tires will be followed by site restoration activities, including grading and drainage improvements and implementation of a Site Restoration and Erosion Control Plan. The Initial Study has been prepared in order to evaluate the potential for impacts to the Site due to the tire removal and site restoration activities. The project has been designed to be self-mitigating and will result in beneficial improvements to the Site. The project is subject to final permit conditions as required by the reviewing resource agencies. The project area is approximately 8 acres and located within a 96.05-acre parcel identified as Sonoma County Assessor Parcel Number 017-100-022. The tires are located within an intermittent drainage channel located on the southern portion of the property parcel. The proposed remedial activities will consist of removing the tires using heavy equipment and hand labor, temporarily stockpiling the tires on site, and then hauling the tires for off-site disposal. The Work Plan to conduct these activities will be prepared by the CIWMB field contractor. During excavation activities, dust and equipment emission controls will be implemented to protect workers in accordance with the site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HSP). The site safety officer will conduct personal monitoring during construction activities to assure compliance with the HSP. During excavation and grading activities, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan will be implemented in accordance with the State General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Construction Activity. Following the completion of the removal action, the Site will be graded to enhance slope stability in accordance with the Grading Plan. Drainage improvements and controls will be implemented as part of the Grading Plan to minimize erosion and maintain slope stability following the removal of tires. In addition, the disturbed areas of the Site will be stabilized in accordance with the Site Restoration and Erosion Control Plan to minimize erosion and reestablish biotic resources and provide for the long-term recovery and restoration of the Site.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Beebe Family Ranch LLC Tire Removal / Project
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Beebe Family Ranch LLC Tire Removal / Project
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Beebe Family Ranch LLC Tire Removal / Project