SCH Number 2004101069
Project Info
- Title
- San Luis Bay Drive Bridge Replacement Project; ED00-570/P12A702
- Description
- The existing San Luis Bay Drive Bridge over San Luis Obispo Creek is a five-span, concrete T-girder design supported on both concrete pile extensions and steel H-pipes. The bridge has been classified as functionally obsolete due to inadequate deck width and does not meet current Caltrans and FHWA design criteria for hydraulic capacity. The bridge is scheduled to be demolished and a larger bridge constructed in its place. The new bridge would be a three-lane (plus shoulders), two-span pre-stressed box-girder bridge measuring approximately 14.5 m wide and 65.2 m long. The new bridge would be constructed by placing one pier in the creek channel approximately half-way between abutments. Temporary false work and pile driving would occur at the site, and channel grading/excavation would occur to increase flood capacity. Rock slope protection (RSP) would be installed adjacent to one abutment to protect the abutment from scour. The existing bridge, would be demolished and existing piles and/or columns would be cut approximately 0.3 m below the streambed surface, then removed. No other portion of the demolished bridge would be left in the channel; all other portions of the demolished bridge would be disposed of at a County approved facility licensed to accommodate such materials. Two bicycle lanes would be constructed as part of this project. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2004-0887-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project operator, Mr. Glenn Priddy / County of San Luis Obispo.
2 documents in project