SCH Number 2004082108

Project Info

PLN2004-00030 - 2002 Hill Area Initiative Implementation - General Plan Land Use Map Changes & Rezonings
The amendments to the Fremont Municipal Code (FMC) Zoning chapter and City of Fremont General Plan Land Use and Zoning maps are required to be consistent (and implement) the 2002 Hill Area Initiative passed by the Fremont electorate in November of 2002. Specifically, implementation of General Plan land use map changes and rezonings for various parcels in the Hill Area and along the base of the hills including: (1) adoption of the Toe of the Hill line, (2) deleting the Development Reserve Overlay (D.R.O.) line from the zoning map, (3) redesignating and rezoning all or portions of properties located above the base of the Toe of the Hill line to O-S [(Hill Face) or (Hill) Open Space] District, (4) redesignating and rezoning areas now located below the TOH line from O-S [(Hill Face) Open Space] to an appropriate zoning district corresponding to surrounding land uses, to reflect changes in the alignment of the Toe of the Hill line, (5) adopting a General Plan Land Use Map entitled "Extent of Lands Affected by the 2002 Hill Area Initiative" in the General Plan Land Use Element, and (6) adoption of clarifying zoning text amendments to located the Toe of the Hill line, in order to implement the Hill Area Initiative of 2002 (Measure T).
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fremont PLN2004-00030 - 2002 Hill Area Initiative Implementation - General Plan Land Use Map Changes & Rezonings
City of Fremont PLN2004-00030 - 2002 Hill Area Initiative Implementation - General Plan Land Use Map Changes & Rezonings