SCH Number 2004072087
Project Info
- Title
- SOI Amendment No. 2
- Description
- 2004 City of Stockton Sphere of Influence Agreement Projects: Approval of Proposed for the Sphere of Influence Agreements (IS15-04 and IS18-04); Sphere of Influence Agreement for A.G. Spanos-Trinity Capital, et al.-Northwest SOI Amendment Area (DA2-04); Sphere of Influence Agreement for Kelley Trust/Grupe Investment Company-Shima Tract SOI Amendment Area (DA3-04); Sphere of Influence Agreement for Alpine Packing Company-West Lane SOI Amendment Area (DA4-04); Sphere of Influence Agreement for Robert Lauchland-Northwest SOI Amendment Area (DA6-04); and Sphere of Influence Agreement for Carl Thompson-Northwest SOI Amendment Area (DA7-04) for properties located north and northwest of existing city limits.
3 documents in project