SCH Number 2004072004

Project Info

Extreme Ozone Attainment Demonstration Plan
The San Joaquin Valley Air Basin (SJVAVB) does not currently meet federal 1-hour ambient air quality standards for the pollutant ozone, which is a primary component of smog. At levels above the federal standards of 0.12 ppm, ozone adversely affects public health, diminishes the production and air quality of many agricultural crops, reduces visibility, degrades man-made materials, and damages native and ornamental vegetation. The Draft Extreme OADP describes the factors of contributing to the SJVAB's persistent 1-hour air quality problems, quantifies air pollutant emmissions that cause ozone to form in the SJVAB, identifes control measures (past, present, and future) needed to reduce these emissions, and projects future air quality based on implementation of these controls. In addition, the Draft Extreme OADP fulfills state requirements for the California Clean Air Act Plan Triennial Progress Report and Plan Revision, and fulfills federal requirements for demonstrating rate of progress in meeting emmissions reduction targets.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Extreme Ozone Attainment Demonstration Plan
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Extreme Ozone Attainment Demonstration Plan
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Extreme Ozone Attainment Demonstration Plan