SCH Number 2004062132
Project Info
- Title
- Whisper Creek Subdivision
- Description
- CDFW has executed Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0013-R2, pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Towne Development of Sacramento, Inc. (Permittee) as represented by Mr. Anton Garcia. The project is limited to the development of 103 single-family lots, three parks, and three open space areas surrounding wetlands. The 103 residential lots range in size from 10,500 to 20,714 sq. ft. The average lot size is 13,019 sq. ft. Six open space lots and two open space/recreation lots total 18.55 acres with the private recreation areas being 2.35 acres in size. The open space lots correspond to site locations designated as within the 100-year floodplain and/or containing existing drainages and wetlands. Phase 1 has already been constructed and includes 42 homes. Phase 2 will include 27 homes and Phase 3 will include 34 homes. Phase 1 of the project was completed without a Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement ad resulted ina March 24, 2017 Notice of Violation that was issued by the CDFW to the Towne Development of Sacramento, Inc. The Agreement includes mitigation for Phase 1 and the construction of mitigation for Phases 2 and 3.
9 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | Placer County | Morgan Ranch Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0013-R2) | |
NOD | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision (PEIR T20040332) | |
NOD | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision (PEIR T20040332) | |
NOD | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision (PEIR T20040332) | |
NOE | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision (PEIR T20040332) | |
FIN | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision | |
EIR | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision | |
NOP | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision Unit 1 | |
NOP | Placer County | Whisper Creek Subdivision Unit 1 |