SCH Number 2004061090

Project Info

Elliott and Vander Weerd Property EIR
The proposed project includes the annexation of approximately 80 acres from the County into the Visalia City limits; a General Plan Amendment changing the current Agriculture designation to Residential, prezoning to R-1-6; cancellation of the Williamson Act contracts on two of the three parcels (60 acres) and a request for approval of two Vested Tentative Subdivision Maps to create 206 lots (at least 191 single-family units, 18 duplex units and 23 multi-family units.) The project also proposes 6.3 acres (net) of parkland.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Visalia Elliott and Vander Weerd Property EIR
City of Visalia Elliott and Vander Weerd Property EIR
City of Visalia Elliott Property EIR
City of Visalia Elliott Property EIR