SCH Number 2004042021
Project Info
- Title
- North Coast Veterans Resource Center
- Description
- The North Coast Veterans Resource Center (NCVRC) is requesting a conditional use permit and coastal development permit for the remodel of the two remaining buildings at the former Fireside Motel site for use as transitional housing for veterans. The project will be developed in phases, with the objective of providing transitional housing and life skills training for up to 34 veterans. In addition to remodeling the two buildings, on-site improvements will include development of a parking lot and landscaping, the applicant has stated that they will retain the three palm trees currently existing on the property. Note: under separate permits, Caltrans is requesting a subdivision of the Fireside Motel property; after subdivision, the transitional housing facility will be located on the southern approximately 1/3 acre of the site.
2 documents in project