SCH Number 2004012043

Project Info

Lower American River - River Mile 10.0 Bank Protection Project
The purpose of the project is to prevent erosion of the toe of the levee and therefore prevent failure of the levee at this point. The proposed levee treatment includes the placement of 500 tons of riprap along the levee toe, removal of some trees including non-natives, revegetation of the area with native species, and the placement of minor amounts of cobble and fill to stabilize areas used for river access.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
American River Flood Control District Lower American River - River Mile 10.0 Bank Protection Project
American River Flood Control District Lower American River - River Mile 10.0 Bank Protection Project
American River Flood Control District Lower American River - River Mile 10.0 Bank Protection Project
American River Flood Control District Lower American River - River Mile 10.0 Bank Protection Project
American River Flood Control District Lower American River - River Mile 10.0 Bank Protection Project