SCH Number 2003121081
Project Info
- Title
- TPM 20611RPL³, Log No. 01-03-004; Jiles Ranch
- Description
- The project is a proposal for a minor residential subdivision of 57 gross acres into four parcels and a Designated Remainder parcel for single-family residential development. The lot sizes range from 8.4 to 12.8 acres (net). Three single-family dwellings currently exist on the project site and two additional dwelling units on Parcels 1 and 4 are proposed. Proposed grading for pad and driveway construction will involve cut and fill volumesof 3,500 cy. The project proposes to use groundwater and will have on site sewage disposal systems. Access to the project site is off of Highway 76, which runs adjacent to the southern property boundary. An ongoing agricultural operation will continue on the project site.
3 documents in project