SCH Number 2003112012

Project Info

City of Rio Dell General Plan Update (2008-2030)
The proposed plan is an update of the city's 2004 General Plan. It includes: (1) updates to six of the seven General Plan elements (Housing being the exception); (2) updates to the General Plan Land Use and Zoning Map; and (3) revisions to the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed plan would undertake the following: - Expand the city's Planning Area (PA) and SOI to cover Scotia, and expand the city's PA to cover the Metropolitan - Annex the Sawmill and Blue Slide Road Annexation areas to the city' - Prezone Scotia with city zoning districts; - Amend the General Plan Land Use and Zoning Map; - Amend the General Plan text, including goals, policies, objectives and implementation measures, to include new General Plan land use designations, facilitate the integration of the expanded areas into the city, address current and future land use relationships, and protect city citizens and the environment; and - Amend the Zoning Ordinance to include new overlay zones.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rio Dell City of Rio Dell General Plan Update (2008-2030)
City of Rio Dell City of Ril Dell General Plan 2015 - Land Use Element & Housing Element Updates
City of Rio Dell City of Ril Dell General Plan 2015 - Land Use Element & Housing Element Updates