SCH Number 2003101139
Project Info
- Title
- Towne Centre Corporate Plaza
- Description
- Site Development Permit (SDP No. 2758), Rezone, Tentative Parcel Map and Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) Boundary Line Adjustment to construct three buildings on an undeveloped 22.2 acres lot. Proposed Building A would be 4 stories and have a gross floor area of approximately 80,500 sf; Building B would be 3 stories high with a GFA of approximately 63,500 sf; and Building C would be 2 stories with a GFA of approximately 46,000 sf. Approximately 15.2 acres (Parcel 1) south and outside of the Coastal Overlay Zone boundary line would be rezoned from RS-1-7 to IP-1-1 to develop the proposed project. The remaining 7.0 acres (Parcel 2) north and within the COZ boundary line will remain as currently zoned RS-1-7 and undeveloped. The proposed MHPA Boundary Line Adjustment would allow 9.4 acres to remain in the City's MHPA and would be dedicated to the City as an open space easement. The project would also include the realignment of a 10 to 12 foot surface off-site sewer line / storm drain maintenance access road and associated improvements.
2 documents in project