SCH Number 2003101005

Project Info

The Tehachapi Second Afterbay Project
The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, DWR. The project impacts approximately 10 acres (4 acres permanent and 6 acres temporary) of the unnamed creek and Big Sycamore Creek as follows: construction of new reservoir and associated appurtenant structures for the California Aqueduct; construction of reservoir inlet and outlet channels that cross the unnamed creek creating permanent, above-ground earth and concrete fill along 660 feet of the unnamed creek; construction of a permanent concrete box culvert to convey stream flows from the north side of the inlet channel to the south side of the outlet channel and pass beneath these channels at the existing creek grade; DWR will install permanent rock slope protection upstream and downstream of the concrete box culvert; construction of a 1,300 foot long bypass channel buried approximately 5 feet below the creek bed; construction of a stilling basin between the south end of the bypass channel and the existing California Aqueduct; construction of a permanent 2,500 foot long gravel maintenance road on the creek bed from the stilling basin to the culvert outlet; placement of an 18-inch corrugated metal pipe on the unnamed tributary and Big Sycamore Creek's side slope to discharge directed runoff into the bed of the unnamed tributary and Big Sycamore Creek; a 10 foot by 10 foot area of rock slope protection will be constructed under the point of discharge.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) The Tehachapi Second Afterbay Project
California Department of Water Resources (DWR) The Tehachapi Second Afterbay Project