SCH Number 2003091105

Project Info

Springville Specific Plan Amendment
The City of Camarillo is considering the Springville Specific Plan Amendment Project (proposed project) which would be processed as General Plan Amendment no. 2018-1 (GPA 2018-1), Change of Zone no. 328 (CZ-328), modification to Tentative Tract Map no. 5671-2 (TT-5671-2M(3)), and Residential Planned Development Permit no. 195 (RPD-195) on approximately 43.3 acres, located at the northwestern corner of Springville Drive and U.S. 101/Ventura Freeway. The Springville Specific Plan was approved in 2008 (SCH No. 200309115) for a 170-acre site located north of U.S 101/Ventura Freeway and west of existing commercial and residential uses along Las Posas Road. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment to amend the circulation plan and land use designations for an area of the Specific Plan to Low-Medium Density Residential, Public (Park), and Open Space, a change of zone to relocate the park site, eliminate the Professional Office zoning with the remaining area as Residential Planned Development, 8 dwelling units per acre maximum (RPD-8U) and open space, a modification to Tract 5671-2 to subdivide the site into 167 lots for the construction of 158 detached residential units, and Residential Planned Development RPD-195 to permit low-medium density residential development totaling 158 single family detached units. The Specific Plan Amendment would also increase the overall residential unit count of the Specific Plan from 1,350 units to 1,364 units, but reduce the amount of commercial space provided for in the Specific Plan from 150,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Camarillo Springville Specific Plan Amendment
City of Camarillo Springville Specific Plan
City of Camarillo Springville Specific Plan