SCH Number 2003082118

Project Info

Turtle Bay Habitat Restoration Project
Project is limited to the treatment of invasive and exotic vegetation within the grounds operated by the Turtle Bay Exploration Park (Permittee) using herbicide and hand tool removal. Permittee will treat invasive vegetation by spraying or painting herbicide on foliage or cut stumps. In some instances treated vegetation will be cut and disposed of in order to prevent fire hazards. Permittee may also trim vegetation in order to establish site access for treatment. In addition to invasive plant removal, Permittee may remove native and non-native trees located within falling distance of the walkways that are determined to be diseased, dead, dying, and/or damaged, by a certified arborist. Trees within felling distance of the Sacramento River may felled into the water on a case by case basis in coordination with CDFW in order to provide fish habitat.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Redding Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2017-0069-R1
City of Redding SAA # 05-0438 Exotic Vegetation Removal at Turtle Bay Exploration Park and Arboretum
City of Redding SAA # 05-0438 Exotic Vegetation Removal at Turtle Bay Exploration Park and Arboretum
City of Redding Turtle Bay Habitat Restoration Project