SCH Number 2003071049

Project Info

Chase Knolls
Site Plan Review, Vesting Tentative Parcel Map, and Cultural Heritage Commission Review (building permit review for Historic Property Contract Consistency) for the construction of 141 new residential units in 6 apartment buildings with undergroudn parking, expand 11 existing units by adding bedrooms and bathrooms, and tenant amenities to include a pool and gym. Project will include the retention of existing carports and six laundry rooms along Huston Street. An estimated 26 carports will be demolished along the east-west service road. The six apartment structures would be constructed in space formerly occupied by carports and approximately 65 trees.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles Chase Knolls
City of Los Angeles Chase Knolls
City of Los Angeles Chase Knolls
City of Los Angeles Chase Knolls