SCH Number 2003011043
Project Info
- Title
- R2006-00115, RCUP 200600010, RENV 200600010, Block of 25700 of Pluma Road, Calabasas
- Description
- A conditional use permit application to authorize the installation of a power meter pedestal and a three foot high retaining wall along the west, east, and south side of the pedestal in the public road right-of-way. The power meter pedestal is associated with a previously approved CUP 02-070, which authorized the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility onto an existing utility pole in the public right-of-way. CUP02-070 authorized the placement of two eight foot long cable extension arms and three sector antennas at 31' aboe ground, three Telcos (28'6", 25'10" and 25' above ground), and an eight feet high equipment cabinet mounted onto an existing 50 foot high utility pole. All excavated materials will be used as backfill within the project site.
2 documents in project