SCH Number 2003011030
Project Info
- Title
- Julian Country Estates Grading Permit
- Description
- The proposed project is an L-grading permit for an existing private dirt road that provides access to the property from the Daley Flats Road. The existing, illegally graded road provides access to the property and existing agricultural ponds. The road itself is a narrow, dirt road that winds through the property, and will not be improved with concrete. The road has a maximum width of 15 feet. The approximate area that has been graded is 1.50 acres with the volume of cutting to be 2500 cubic yards with a maximum cut slope of 1:2 and a height of 10 feet. The approximate volume of fill is 2500 cubic yards with a maximum fill slope ratio of 1.5:1 and a height of 10 feet. There are no structures on site. Direct and indirect impacts to 1.77 acres of oak woodlands will be mitigated at a 3:1 ratio (5.31 acres purchased offsite) and direct impacts to 0.17 acre of non-native grassland will be mitigated at 0.5:1 ratio (0.08 acre purchased offsite).
2 documents in project