SCH Number 2002128020

Project Info

Pier Avenue Restroom Facility & Parking Lot
This project will have four major phases because of the conditions and requirements to meet mobility access required by California State Codes and Regulations Title 24 ADA. The comfort station will be a mobility access unisex series 300 facility, 450 sq.ft. Phase I consists of the demolition and removal of existing facility and all immediate utilites including access routes, parking, and day-use area. Phase II will be new construction of one Unisex 300 series comfort station. There will be outdoor wash basins and an outdoor shower. The comfort station will have six individual rooms with flush toilets; two of the restrooms will be ADA accessible. The parking lot will be reconfigured to provide van and additonal accessible parking areas to include a flagpole located near the entrance (kiosk). Phase III of the project will ensure all approaches to the facility and exterior/interior meet grade. All uniform building codes will be used, NEC, UBC, and UPC. Phase IV will provide a variety of native plant and landscape material on the west side of the facilities to protect building and parking areas from wind blown sand accumulation.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Pier Avenue Restroom Facility & Parking Lot