SCH Number 2002121136

Project Info

Crossroads Shopping Center Remodel (Safeway)
A Combined Development Permit consisting of: 1) A General Development Plan Amendment for extensive remodeling of the Crossroads Shopping Village and Mall area (Section 21.18.030); 2) An Administrative Permit for demolition of the existing grocery store and movie theater buildings, construction of a 53,250 sq. ft. stand alone grocery store, removal and reconfiguration of landscaped area, and a reduction of 10 parking spaces; 3) A Use Permit for the development within 200 feet of the Carmel River bank involving the removal and replacement of 370 lineal feet of the Carmel River levy and 3,193 cubic yards of excavation; 4) A Coastal Development Permit for development within 100 feet of mapped or field identified environmentally sensitive habitats, the Carmel River; 5) A Coastal Development Permit for the filling, excavation, alteration of flood control facilites, dikes, and levee work are done in the RC-D-S (CZ) zoned portions of the property; 6) Design and Site Plan Approval; and 7) Grading of approximately 25,000 cubic yards of fill.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Monterey County Crossroads Shopping Center Remodel (Safeway)
Monterey County Crossroads Shopping Village Remodel and Expansion