SCH Number 2002121129
Project Info
- Title
- Bayshore EIR Bikeway
- Description
- Site Development Permit (SDP) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to allow for the construction of a 1.8 mile Class I bikepath located along the Otay River Berm and the Main Street Dike and the relocation of an existing haul road utilized by South Bay Salt Works. The bikepath would be a segment of the 24 mile Bayshore Bikeway, and would connect to an existing segment at 13th Street (City of Imperial Beach) on the west and Main Street (City of San Diego) on the east. The bikepath would be located primarily within the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) railroad right of way. The bikepath would be 12 feet wide, including an 8 foot wide paved asphalt path with 2 foot wide paved porous concrete shoulders on each side of the bikepath. A six foot high chain linked fence would be erected on both sides of the bikepath along the entire alignment. An additional one foot of fill material would be placed on each side of the path, between the proposed porous concrete shoulders and the fence. The bikepath is proposed to cross the Otay River in two locations. The proposed project would include the placement of two steel truss bridges above the existing, unserviceable wooden trestle bridges that currently cross the Otay River at these locations. The existing wooden trestle bridges, as well as existing railroad rails and ties, are part of the locally designated historic Coronado Railroad Belt Line (CBL) Historic Resource Board (HRB) Number 640. The proposed project is located in the northern portion of the Otay Mesa/Nestor Community Plan area, west of Interstate 5, and is bordered by the City of Imperial Beach to the west and south, and the City of Chula Vista to the north.
2 documents in project