SCH Number 2002112068

Project Info

Caldecott Improvement Project
Caltrans proposes the construction of a fourth bore, north of the existing bores, for the Caldecott Tunnel to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety. The project limits extend from the SR 24/SR 13 interchange in Alameda Co. to the SR 24/Gateway Blvd. interchange in Contra Costa Co. The new tunnel will be 3,389 ft. long. The project will result in permanent and temporary impacts to a total of 12.07 acres of Alameda whipsnake habitat. Project-related impacts are expected to result in the take of Alameda whipsnake, a species protected by the California Endangered Species Act (CESA).
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Caldecott Improvement Project on State Route 24 in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties (Issuance of California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP)
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Caldecott Tunnel Fourth Bore, Streambed Alteration Agreement
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Notes: Joint Document - EA
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Notes: Joint Document - EA
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Notes: Joint Document - EA
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Caldecott Improvement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Caldecott Improvement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Caldecott Improvement Project
California Department of Transportation, District 4 Notes: Joint Document - EA