SCH Number 2002102053
Project Info
- Title
- Negative Declaration for the Honey Lake Ranch VMP (Vegetation Management Project)
- Description
- Prescribed fire project designed to improve wildlife habitat for migratory and resident migratory waterfowl populations. The reduction of matterd grasses will reduce predation, and the reduction of tules will increase free surface areas for the effected ponds. The project will be conducted under CDF's Vegetation Management Program (VMP). Future activities include an ongoing burn program occurring approximately every five years to maintain high quality wildlife habitat. Approximately 990 acres will be burned over a period of five years averageing 200 acres per year. This VMP project has been designed to include standard best management practices and already incorporates all appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that any potential adverse environmental impacts are reduced to less than significance or totally avoided.
2 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Negative Declaration for the Honey Lake Ranch VMP (Vegetation Management Project) | |
NEG | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Negative Declaration for the Honey Lake Ranch VMP (Vegetation Management Project) |