SCH Number 2002092091

Project Info

Feliz Creek Bridge Scour Repair/Safety Project
The Project proposes to widen and retrofit for scour the existing bridge over Feliz Creek on State Route 101, PM 10.2 - 11.2, just south of the community of Hopland in Mendocino County. The widened portions of the structure will be supported by new 1.2 meter diameter cast-in-steel-shell (CISS) piles. One new CISS pile will be placed on each side of every existing support bent. These piles will be driven into place using either an impact hammer or vibratory hammer supported by a crane. The new CISS supports will be tied to the existing bent by constructing a newer and larger bent cap cast around the existing cap. The form work for the new bent cap will attach directly to the supports and will not be constructed in the stream channel. To further strengthen the foundation system concrete in-fill walls will be added between the existing piers. These walls will extend down from the new bent cap into the channel bottom approximately 0.3 meters. It may be necessary to remove groundwater that seeps into the holes dug for the in-fill walls. All water and sediment removed from the creek during construction will be pumped into a settling basin and allowed to evaporate or seep back into the ground. Bridge deck construction will take place from the existing structure and new bents. Access to the streambed by equipment will be necessary to construct the new CISS supports and in-fill walls. Access to the creek will be necessary from all four corners of the bridge to allow for placement of construction equipment. A temporary construction staging/ storage area is proposed north of Feliz Creek between Highway 101 and Mountain House Road.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Feliz Creek Bridge Scour Repair/Safety Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Feliz Creek Bridge Scour Repair/Safety Project
California Department of Transportation, District 3 Feliz Creek Bridge Scour Repair/Safety Project