SCH Number 2002092047
Project Info
- Title
- Eugene BeDell
- Description
- A minor subdivision of a 21.93 +/- acre parcel into parcel 1 of 11.86+/- acres and parcel 2 of 10.07 +/- acres. Proposed Parcel 1 is developed with a mobile home and shed (to remain). Parcel 2 is developed with a mobile home (to be dismantled; the parcel will be developed with a single family residence). The parcels are/will be served by on-site sewage disposal. Water for Parcel 1 will be provided by an existing well on Parcel 2 via an appropriate easement. Water for Parcel 2 will be provided by a proposed on-site well. PG&E will provide gas and electricity. The parcel has a Q combining zone to allow for the phased upgrade of Sawdust Trail Road to a road category 4 standard, therefore construction of the next phase of road inprovements will be a condition of the subdivision.
2 documents in project