SCH Number 2002091074

Project Info

Project 01-101, Parcel Map No. 26363, Conditional Use Permit No. 87-360 for Valencia Commerce Center
The project consists of a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (VTPM 26363) for the subdivision of 116 gross acres into 19 lots, 11 for light industrial/office uses, five for open space, three for infrastructure use including flood maintenance, and also a Conditional Use Permit application (CUP 87-360) for development and grading. Access to the project site will be through the existing Franklin Parkway, and from the proposed Hancock Parkway. An EIR was certified by the County of Los Angeles in conjunction with this prior approval. A total of 750,000 square feet of building floor area would be allowed. The new building area proposed over the 11 lots increases floor area to 9,437,000 square feet for the Valencia Commerce Center authorized under CUP 87-360. A total of 19.1 million cubic yards of on site grading has been authorized within the Commerce Center. To date, 14.7 million cubic yards of grading has been completed at the Valencia Commerce Center, and the development of the 11 light industrial/office space lots will entail the importation of 1.3 million cubic yards of earth from several borrowing sites located within future development areas of the Valencia Commerce Center. The importation of fill is necessary to raise the building lots above County and FEMA flood requirements and to construct the bank stabilization and other project improvements. Approximately 3,000 linear feet of its banks along its northern and southern boundaries, extended westerly from the Commerce Center Drive Bridge, are to be stabilized with the installation of soil and cement. This proposed bank stabilization/flood protection plan associated with the project is consistent with the flood protection analyzed in the Valencia Commerce Center Final EIR.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County Project 01-101, Parcel Map No. 26363, Conditional Use Permit No. 87-360 for Valencia Commerce Center
Los Angeles County Project No. 01-101/Parcel Map No. 26363