SCH Number 2002071046

Project Info

Rosedale (Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan) Revised Grading
On February 3, 2003, the Monrovia Nursery project received its entitlements, which comprsed a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan approval, Annexation, Development Agreement, and Vesting Tentative Map approval. These entitlements allowed the landowner, Monrovia Nursery, to construct a planned community comprised of up to 1,250 homes up to 50,000 sq ft of commercial, K-8 school, fire station, and an extensive system of parks and open space. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to CEQA, was prepared in connecton with said entitlements, and was certified on February 3, 2003. Since the Approval date, the implementation of the project now known as Rosedale has diligently proceeded, and refinements to the various plans and studies have been completed. In managing the grading activities on the property, it was recently discovered that the shrinkage factor was overestimated, which resulted in the surplus of 450,000 cubic yards (CY) of soil material. The original project description upon which the EIR analysis was based assumed a balance condition between cut and fill; therefore no import or export of soil materials was anticipated and consequently the EIR concluded no significant environmental impacts would result from any off-site material transport. In order to manage the surplus soil material, the proposed amended grading plan would feature the following: 1. The grades of the project site would be increased by 5 to 10 feet over the entire site, beginning at approximately the center fo the site and ending at the southerly boundary of the of the property. 2. The pad elevations in the Promenade area would increase by approximately 10 feet. 3. After re-grading the site and increasing the elevations, approximately 80,000 to 130,000 CY of soil material would remain to be exported.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Azusa Rosedale (Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan) Revised Grading
City of Azusa Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan and Project
City of Azusa Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan and Project
City of Azusa Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan and Project
City of Azusa Monrovia Nursery Specific Plan and Project