SCH Number 2002051156

Project Info

General Plan Amendment
A change in zoning from M-2 (General Manufacturing) to P.C.D. (Planned Commercial Development) on 73.53 acres. The P.C.D. zone change involves the development of approximately 700,000 square feet of various retail commercial and service uses, anchored by several major "big-box" retail tenants. The major anchor buildings would comprise a total of approximately 634,000 square feet.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Bakersfield Zone Change No. 02-0030
City of Bakersfield GPA/ZC No. 02-0030
City of Bakersfield Gosford Village (formerly Southwest Retail Center);
City of Bakersfield General Plan Amendment
City of Bakersfield Southwest Retail Center