SCH Number 2002022059
Project Info
- Title
- Don Wallace Conditional Use Permit (CUP-00-28)
- Description
- A Conditional Use Permit is required for the incidental retail sales of agricultural products and materials accessory to, and associated with, the principally permitted growing of ornamental shrubs and trees in an Agriculture Exclusive zone. The retail sales will be limited to bare-root trees, ornamental shrubs, soil amendment products such as fertilizer, mulches, compost, etc. The estimated customer traffic during open hours (Wed.-Sat.) will be 10-20 vehicles per day with peak customer visits occurring in the spring (April and May). Other times of the year will have less traffic due to the "dormant" nature of the business. The project will occur on a site to be developed with a wholesale nursery operation which is a principally permitted use in the Zone. Wholesale nursery improvements will consist of a gravel parking lot to accommodate +/- 15 cars, +/- 4 "hoop" houses, a 500 square foot path for the display of nursery plants and limited incidental agricultural goods for sale, a 1,750 square foot barn which will house the nursery office, a restroom and storage area. The 40 acre parcel is zoned AE and TPZ; all nursery uses will take place in the AE portion of the parcel. The commercial uses will be served by community water, whereas the water needs for the growing aspects of the nursery business will be supplied by an on-site spring system. The site will be served by on-site sewage disposal systems.
2 documents in project