SCH Number 2002021105

Project Info

Moon Camp Project DEIR No.3
The Project consists of the subdivision of the site per TT No. 16136 into 58 lots within the 62.43-acre site—50 numbered lots (single family residential lots) to be sold individually and developed into custom homes, and 8 lettered lots described as follows: 3 designated as Open Space/Conservation easements and Neighborhood Lake Access; 3 designated as well sites; 1 designated as a potential reservoir site; and 1 would be developed as the marina parking lot, the majority of which has been reserved as a conservation easement for bald eagle and rare plant habitat conservation. The Project also includes a 55-boat slip marina that would be open for a designated portion of the year between April 2 and November 30 annually. The marina parking lot also includes some open space for the preservation of trees.
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10 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Bernardino County Moon Camp PMISC-2020-00016
San Bernardino County Moon Camp Project DEIR No.3
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp
San Bernardino County Moon Camp