SCH Number 2001121112
Project Info
- Title
- Lower Los Serranos Creek Storm Drain Facility Project
- Description
- CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA#6-2002-069) pursuant to Section 1601 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Douglas La Belle of the City of Chino Hills. The applicant proposes to alter lower Los Serranos Creek, tributary to Chino Creek, to remove sediment and vegetation to restore the designed flood control capacity and to eliminate flooding of an adjacent sports park. The project will impact 3.02 acres of stream channel and associated riparian habitat, of which 0.15 acre is temporary impacts and 2.87 acres are permanent. The Operator will mitigate for impacts with the creation of 9.22 acres of riparian habitat. The habitat shall be created adjacent to the impact area. The habitat creation shall be dominated by southern willow scrub and freshwater marsh. The habitat creation will also include a small area of coast live oak riparian forest and elderberry/mule fat scrub. The southern willow scrub shall represent greater than two-thirds of the total planted area.
3 documents in project