SCH Number 2001112072

Project Info

GPA-01-03/Prezone 01-01/Annexation 01-09 (Sterling University Housing)
Proposed amendment of the City of Chico general plan land use designation and prezoning for parcels and annexation of these parcels into the city limits. The existing manufacturing and warehousing general plan designation would be changed to Medium-High Residential (14-22 units/acre) and the existing prezoning would be changed from ML to R3. A 320-unit apartment complex is proposed on two of the parcels (20 acres). No development is currently proposed for the remaining two parcels.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Chico GPA-01-03/Prezone 01-01/Annexation 01-09 (Sterling University Housing)
City of Chico Reconstruction of a Portion Quincy-Oroville Road CA PFH 119-2(3) & 119-2(4)
City of Chico GPA-01-03/Prezone 01-01/Annexation 01-09 (Sterling University Housing)
City of Chico GPA-01-03/Prezone 01-01/Annexation 01-09 (Sterling University Housing)