SCH Number 2001102070

Project Info

NEES Centrifuge Support Building (Tiered from SCH #1994022005)
UC Davis proposes to construct and operate a new 4,720 gross square foot building to support research activities at the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Centrifuge site. The building would be located adjacent to the existing centrifuge facility near the hydraulics laboratory west of Brooks Road on the west campus. The proposed building would include space for offices, a conference and computer area, and space for preparing testing materials. The building is expected to be constructed on a concrete foundation with a steel frame structure, metal panel sheathing, and a metal panel roof. Project elements surrounding the building would include a new gravel area for employee parking, a new gravel entrance drive, and a new septic system.
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University of California, Davis NEES Centrifuge Support Building
University of California, Davis NEES Centrifuge Support Building (Tiered from SCH #1994022005)