SCH Number 2001061066

Project Info

Tierra Alta
City Council approval of Tentative Map No. 98-0792 and Rezone/Planned Residential Development/Hillside Review/Resource Protection Ordinance/Coastal Development Permit No. 98-0792 to subdivide a 4.44 acre vacant, undeveloped lot into 11 single family residential units on 3 multi-family lots and 5 Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) open space lots, including a new private driveway, sidewalks, landscaping, and associated appurtenances. The proposed site development would require a rezone from AR-1-10 (agriculture - minimum 10 acre lots) zone to the RS-1-13 (residential single unit - minimum 6,000 square foot lot size) zone. Applicant: Newland Communities.
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City of San Diego Tierra Alta
City of San Diego Tierra Alta