SCH Number 2001021033

Project Info

Record of Decision/Remedial Action Plan, OU-3, IRP Site 1 Moffett Trenches and Crash Crew Burn Pit
Proposed project includes application of institutional controls, inspection and maintenance of the concrete containment wall and surface cover, monitoring of groundwater and surface water, monitoring of landfill gas, maintenance of the french drain system and associated sumps, periodic reviews of monitoring results, and preparation of a contingency plan.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Record of Decision/Remedial Action Plan, OU-3, IRP Site 1 Moffett Trenches and Crash Crew Burn Pit
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Record of Decision/Remedial Action Plan, OU-3, IRP Site 1 Moffett Trenches and Crash Crew Burn Pit