SCH Number 2000118043

Project Info

Renovate Y and Z Dormitories at Deuel Vocational Institution
The proposed project would make security enhancements and Fire and Life Safety Code modifications at the Deuel Vocational Institution. Improvements include: security modifications to the existing gunwalk to eliminate "blind spots", installation of a security grill across the base of Y and Z dormitories stairwell; fire sprinklers, fireproof steel structure, wood deck at roof, install alarm system, bean detector and heat detectors. The project is needed to provide better security and to upgrade fire safety features at the Y and Z dormitories. The project would accommodate the existing inmate population with out expansion of the current use.
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1 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Renovate Y and Z Dormitories at Deuel Vocational Institution