SCH Number 2000114013

Project Info

Environmental Assessment for Global Hawk Main Operating Base Beddown
An Environmental Assessment for the Global Hawk Main Operating Base Beddown has been completed by the U.S. Air Force, HQ ACC/CEVP. The EA analyzes the potential impacts to the environment from establishing and operating a main operating base for the Global Hawk, an unmanned aerial vehicle, at one of five Air Force bases within the contiguous United States. The proposal involves locating 18 high-altitude, long endurance unmanned aerial vehicles, associated equipment, and approximately 400 to 850 personnel at an Air Force base. The beddown would start with an initial beddown of four aircraft in 2001, with two additional aircraft delivered each year through 2008. The proposal includes constructing support facilities and using existing airspace around the base.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Air Force (USAF) Environmental Assessment for Global Hawk Main Operating Base Beddown
United States Air Force (USAF) Environmental Assessment for Global Hawk Main Operating Base Beddown