SCH Number 2000112067

Project Info

Aguas Frias Road Bridge Across Butte Creek
The California Department of Fish and Game is executing Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2007-0187 pursuant to section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Butte County Department of Public Works. The Butte County Department of Public Works proposes to realign a portion of Aguas Frias Road in the vicinity Butte Creek. The proposed project will replace the two existing bridges and a sharp "S" roadway curvature with a new 318 meter (1043ft) long bridge and raised approach fill roadway on a north-south tangent alignment touching down to existing Aguas Frias Road approximately 283 and 419 meters (928ft and 1375ft) respectively from both north and south levees. The two lane bridge will provide 8.5 meter (28ft) clear roadway between concrete barrier railings. The new pre-stressed box girder type bridge will consist of six 43 meter (141ft) long spans and two 30 meter (98ft) long end spans, all supported on single column bents and end abutments. Two of the proposed column bents will be constructed within the live channel of Butte Creek. A coffer dam will be constructed to separate the work from the flowing stream. Adjacent levee approaches will be re-configured to conform to the new structure resulting in the replacement of a drainage outfall into Butte Creek and the realignment if two irrigation ditches. Rock slope protection will be placed along the northerly abutment face and adjacent to the drainage outfall turnout.
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Butte County Aguas Frias Road Bridge Across Butte Creek
Butte County Aguas Frias Road Bridge Across Butte Creek
Butte County Aguas Frias Road Bridge Across Butte Creek