SCH Number 2000111072

Project Info

City of Chula Vista Salt Creek Interceptor and Wolf Canyon Trunk Sewer
CDFG is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1601 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, the City of Chula Vista. The applicant proposes to alter the streambed to construct an underground polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipeline ranging from 18 to 48 inches in diameter with an estimated length of 73,519 feet, designed to convey projected build-out flows from eastern Chula Vista to the City of San Diego's Metro Interceptor Sewer facility and associated facilities. Wetland communities found onsite: alkali marsh, alkali marsh/freshwater marsh, disturbed wetland, mixed riparian scrub, mulefat scrub, and tamarisk scrub, unvegetated waters of the State.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Chula Vista Salt Creek Interceptor (SAA R5-2001-0352)
City of Chula Vista City of Chula Vista Salt Creek Interceptor and Wolf Canyon Trunk Sewer
City of Chula Vista City of Chula Vista Salt Creek Interceptor and Wolf Canyon Trunk Sewer
City of Chula Vista City of Chula Vista Salt Creek Interceptor and Wolf Canyon Trunk Sewer