SCH Number 2000091038

Project Info

Rancho Pico Junior High School/West Ranch High School
SAA #R5-2001-0025 Revision 1 - Alter the streambed by construction of two new school sites, the Rancho Pico Junior High School and the West Ranch High School. The Rancho Junior High School is planned to accommodate 1,200 students and West Ranch High School is planned to accommodate 2,600 students. An agreement between the Hart District and Stevenson Ranch Venture, LLC provides that the developer of the Phase V property is conditionally obligated to provide the school sites to the Hart District in a graded and construction-ready condition. Rancho Pico Junior High School would occupy 43.1 acre site (of which 24.5 acres would be graded pad) located south of the planned westward extension of Valencia Boulevard. The proposed West Ranch High School would occupy a 72.3 acre site (of which 49.9 acres would be graded pad) located north of the planned westward extension of Valencia Boulevard.
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William S. Hart Union High School District Rancho Pico Junior High School/West Ranch High School
William S. Hart Union High School District Rancho Pico Junior High School/West Ranch High School
William S. Hart Union High School District Rancho Pico Junior High School/West Ranch High School