SCH Number 2000082002

Project Info

City of San Ramon General Plan 2030
City Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-083 which certified the EIR (SCH# 2000082002) and adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the General Plan 2030 and Climate Action Plan. In January 2011, an Addendum to the General Plan 2030 EIR was prepared in accordance with Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines to address the proposed revisions to the General Plan 2030 and Climate Action Plan. Revisions to the Climate Action Plan (Plan) adopted July 19, 2010 include modifying the approved Plan to incorporate policy revisions and cross-references associated with the approval of San Ramon's General Plan 2030 (adopted April 26, 2011). Additional revisions include responses to comments from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, an update of greenhouse gas inventory for the city, and other minor technical edits.
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Ramon Climate Action Plan Modifications in Response to prior Revisions to the General Plan 2030 - Planning the City's Future
City of San Ramon Climate Action Plan Modifications in Response to prior Revisions to the General Plan 2030 - Planning the City's Future
City of San Ramon El Nido Property General Plan Amendment (GPA 09-400-002)
City of San Ramon Planning the City's Future - The General Plan 2030
City of San Ramon City of San Ramon General Plan 2030
City of San Ramon City of San Ramon General Plan 2030
City of San Ramon City of San Ramon General Plan 2030
City of San Ramon City of San Ramon General Plan Update 2030
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