SCH Number 2000081100
Project Info
- Title
- Canyon Creek SPA No. 1, GPA 00-01, GPA 00-02, ZC 00-01, & TPM 29235
- Description
- The Specific Plan Amendment is proposing to remove approximately 12 acres from the Specific Plan and redesignate a 20-acre area located south of Canyon Estates Drive and north of the I-15 Freeway from "Multi-Family Residential" (12.2-acre parcel) and "Commercial" (7.8-acre parcel) to "C-1/SP." The City's Land Use Element of the General Plan is being amended to remove approximately 12 acres from the Specific Plan area and re-designate these as General Commercial (GC). The City's Circulation Element of the General Plan is being amended to delete a segment of the Summerhill Drive extension between Canyon Estates Drive and Casino Drive. The proposal to re-zone the 12-acres area from Specific Plan (Commercial) to C-2, separate General Commercial. Tentative Parcel Map No. 29235 will subdivide the aforementioned 20 acres into three separate commercial parcels. Another 7.8 acre area, which is currently designated Commercial by the Specific Plan, will not be included in the parcel map.
2 documents in project