SCH Number 2000072106

Project Info

KYCY Radio Transmitter Facility Project
KYCY AM Radio Transmitter Facility General Plan Amendments (GP 00-04-01, GP00-T-13 & GP00-T-14) to change the San Jose 2020 General Plan and the Alviso Master Plan designation from Private Open Space with a Solid Waste Disposal Site Overlay to Public/Quasi-Public on the Newby Island Landfill site, located immediately northwest of Interstate 880 and Dixon Landing Road, to allow the construction of a 50 kilowatt (KW) AM transmitting antenna facility. The proposed General Plan amendments will include two related text amendments in the Alviso Master Plan describing the Public/Quasi Public land use designation and allowing 400 feet communication towers at the Newby Island Landfill site. The project includes subsequent planning permits to allow construction of the facility.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose KYCY Radio Transmitter Facility Project
City of San Jose KYCY Radio Transmitter Facility Project