SCH Number 2000031109

Project Info

Mount San Jacinto State Park General Plan
The California Department of Parks and Recreation has prepared a General Plan for the park. This plan delineates a number of resource management zones and sets of guidelines by zone, which guide park management, and specific project planning and implementation. These guidelines address recreational, operational, interpretive and resource management opportunities within the park. The General Plan, a first-tier EIR, does not actually locate or design facilities, but instead provides guidelines for the appropriate types, locations and designs of facilities that may be proposed in the future and require additional review.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mount San Jacinto State Park General Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mount San Jacinto State Park General Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mount San Jacinto State Park General Plan
California Department of Parks and Recreation Mount San Jacinto State Park General Plan